Internal Funding Opportunities

The College provides funding for CLAS initiatives across UConn's five campuses. Funds support projects that align with goals in the CLAS Strategic Plan, including research, scholarship, teaching, diversity efforts, and outreach. Research funding aligns with the College’s six academic themes:

The Earth and Its Future
Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures
Big Data: Science, Policy, and Ethics

Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief
Health, Disease, and Well-Being
Brain, Mind, Language, and Logic

Funding calls are typically sent using the CLAS faculty and staff listservs. Please contact with questions about funding opportunities.

Funding Opportunities for Academic Year 2024-2025

Active Funding Opportunities

Support for Individuals

Opportunity Who may apply? Anticipated Announcement Date Anticipated
Summer Fellowships for Existing Graduate Students No application necessary (resources provided proportional to number of Ph.D. students; departments allocate) 2/3/2025 5/9/2025

Support for Research

Opportunity Who may apply? Anticipated Announcement Date Anticipated
Research in Academic Themes Full-time tenure-system faculty and non tenure-track faculty on multiyear contracts from any/all CLAS units, across all divisions; other non tenure-track faculty may participate as Co-Is.  Faculty with research appointments should contact to determine their eligibility to serve as PI 9/18/2024 11/6/2024
Strategic Initiative for Multidisciplinary Research Full-time tenure-system faculty from any/all CLAS units, across all divisions; non tenure-track faculty may participate as Co-I 9/18/2024 12/1/2024

Support for Teaching

Opportunity Who may apply? Anticipated Announcement Date Anticipated
Teaching Enhancement Grants Tenure system, clinical, and in-residence faculty, and adjunct professors on multi-year contracts 1/27/2025 3/25/2025

Professional Development and Climate

Opportunity Who may apply? Anticipated Announcement Date Anticipated
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives Full-time faculty and staff 9/4/2024 10/23/2024

Past Recipients

Academic Year 2024-2025

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

Total awarded: $76,125.00

Cara Battersby, Physics
“UConn STARs (Science, Technology, and Astronomy Recruits) Supplemental Funding”

Michelle Cahill, CLAS Shared Service; Emily Petry CLAS Shared Services; Andrea Booth, Anthropology
“Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Staff Education for Lasting Change”

Xiang Chen, Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies; Melisa Arganaraz Gomez, Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies; Mary Donegan, Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies; Phil Birge-Liberman, Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies; Nathaniel Trumbull, Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies; Carol Atkinson-Palombo, Geography, Sustainability, Community, and Urban Studies; Stephen Ross, Economics
“Bridge to Regional Campuses: The Urban Scholars Peer-Mentoring Program”

Kerry Gilmore, Chemistry
“Proposal for Expanding High School STEM Outreach Program to Underserved Communities”

Jane Gordon, Political Science; Elva Orozco Mendoza, Political Science; Sherry Zane, Social and Critical Inquiry; Ilia Medina, Political Science; Anh Le, English; Samuel Nuamah, Political Science; Mars Rodriguez, Political Science; August Shipman, Political Science; Adam Vine, Political Science; Foluke Akinkunmi, African American Cultural Center; Kyler Christina, Women’s Center; Natalie Vazquez Rivera, undergraduate student; Nana Amos, Dodd Human Rights Impact Programs; Amanda Cannada, Africana Studies Institute; Mary Malley, Philosophy; Alenies Rodriguez, Philosophy; Jonelle Reynolds, Office for Diversity and Inclusion
“Forum Theatre/Theatre of the Oppressed at UConn”

Pallavi Limaye, Molecular and Cell Biology; Lara Chiaverini, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
“Promoting Equity in Education: Enhancing the Teaching Matters Lab to Foster Student Success and Engagement”

David C Lund, Marine Sciences
“Making Marine Sciences a More Diverse and Welcoming Workplace: Advancing the Bridge Program, Developing a Code of Conduct, and Supporting DEI Travel”

Mars Plater, History; Ingrid Semaan, Sociology; Simon Yamawaki Shachter, Sociology
“Queer Collaborative @ UConn-Stamford”

Monique Roy, Mathematics; Ambar Sengupta, Mathematics; Vasileios Chousionis, Mathematics
“Mathematics Department Proposal Re Funding for Field of Dreams Conference/Graduate School Fair”

Amit Savkar, Mathematics; Xinnian Chen, Physiology and Neurobiology; Milagros Castillo-Montoya, Educational Leadership; Jillian Ives, Educational Leadership
“Advancing Mathematics Teaching Through Equity-Minded Inquiry and Transformative Teaching (EMITT)”

Sarah Stifano, Communication; Martina Rosenberg, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Stephen Stifano, Communication
“A Student-Centered Approach to Fostering the Inclusive Classroom: Gathering Perspectives Across the Liberal Arts and Sciences”

Research in Academic Themes

Total Awarded: $99,614.00

Hans Dam Guerrero, Marine Sciences
“Linking Upper Thermal Limits to Fitness Proxies in Arctic Zooplankton”

Jonathan Klassen, Molecular and Cell Biology
“How Does an Animal-Microbe Symbiosis Respond to Forest Fires?”

Joshua Mayer, Anthropology, Social and Critical Inquiry
“Afro-Indigenous Nicaragua in Exile: Thinking and Resisting the Diasporic Condition”

James Rusling, Chemistry
“Early Blood Test for Bone Metastasis in Breast Cancer Patients”

Strategic Initiative for Multidisciplinary Research

Total Awarded: $305,906.00

Dimitris Xygalatas, Anthropology; Michael Lynch, Philosophy; Alexandra Paxton, Psychological Sciences; Richard Wilson, Law
“An Interdisciplinary Coalition for the Study of Social Cohesion and Fracturing”

Anna Mae Duane, English
“UCHI’s Human-Centered AI Team”

Academic Year 2023-2024

Alan R. Bennett College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Public Health Policy Research Funding Opportunity

Total awarded: $111,557.00

Kun Chen, Statistics; Robert Aseltine, UConn Health
“Coupling Risk Screening and Predictive Algorithms to Improve the Identification of Patients at Risk for Suicidal Behavior”

David Mitre Becerril, Public Policy; Bokyung Kim, Economics
“Effects of Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Services on Neighborhood Safety and Health”

Torri A. Woodruff, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Zexin Ma, Communication
“Parent Education to Address Early Intervention Enrollment: A Pilot with Public Health Implications”

Delia Furtado, Economics
“Immigration Enforcement and Quality of Care Provided by Home Health Agencies”

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

Total Awarded: $89,832.00

Cara Battersby, Physics
“UConn Stars (Science, Technology, and Astronomy Recruits) Supplemental Funding”

David Mitre Becerril, Public Policy
“The Enduring Impacts of Structural Discrimination on Neighborhood Deterioration”

Brenda Brueggemann, English
“The History and Legacies of Disability Institutionalization in the U.S.”

Johnnie Christensen, Communication
“The Use of Computer Algorithms in the Policing and Criminal Justice System: Exploring Cognitive and Emotional Responses Among Members of the Black Community”

Thomas Craemer, Public Policy
“Fostering Diversity Through a Competitive Multidimensional Diversity Ranking Website”

Shardé Davis, Communication
“'I Left So I Could Fee Whole Again'; Investigating Anti-Black Racism and Misogynoir Through Black Women’s Expatriation and the Implications on Economic Well Being, Physical Health, and Mental Health”

Alexandra Garr-Schultz, Psychological Sciences
“Transgender Identity: Policy Implications for Lived Experiences”

Christine Haines, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
“An SLHS JEDI Workshop for Faculty, Staff, Students, and Clinical Educators on Managing Microaggressions”

Juliet Lee, Molecular and Cell Biology
“MCB DEI Event: Dr. B Chad Starks, ‘Be the Messenger’”

Hector Ruiz, Anthropology
“Birthing Black Women’s HIV Stories on the Colombian Pacific Coast Though the Craft of Ancestral Afro-Midwifery”

Katerina Seligmann, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages and El Instituto
“Edmundo Desnoes: In and Out of the Cuban Revolution”

Evelyn Simien, Political Science and Africana Studies
“Africana Studies Summer Institute to Advance Equity through Research on Women and Girls of Color”

Samantha Sommers, English
“Reading in Talking Books: Theories of Race and Reading from Nineteenth-Century America”

Sherry Zane, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Briona Jones, English
“The UConn/Spelman Early Identification Mentorship Program”

Research Equipment

Total Awarded: $950,593.00

Robert Astur, Psychological Sciences; Vicki Magley, Psychological Sciences; Kimberly Treadwell, Psychological Sciences
“Collecting Physiological Measures within Virtual Reality to Treat Addictions, Treat Anxiety Disorders and to Optimize Teamwork”

Kimberly Cuevas, Psychological Sciences; Robert Astur, Psychological Sciences; Silvia Clement-Lam, Psychological Sciences
“Building Blocks in Developmental Science: Upgrading EEG Equipment (UConn Waterbury)”

Bernard Goffinet, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Katrina Menard, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
“A New Digital Camera to Enhance Digitization and Global Dissemination of UConn Biodiversity Research Collections”

Jie He, Chemistry; James Rusling, Chemistry
“Replacing Gas and Liquid Chromatography in Chemistry”

Menka Jain, Physics
“Acquisition of Cryogen-free DynaCool PPMS System to Replace Existing Evercool PPMS System”

Kristine Nowak, Communication
“Collaborative Research Project: Designing Experience and Exploring the Future of VR Research”

William Ouimet, Earth Sciences; Zofia Baumann, Marine Sciences;  Michael Hren, Earth Sciences; Craig Tobias, Marine Sciences; Russell Callahan, Earth Sciences; Robert Mason, Marine Sciences;  Lisa Park-Boush, Earth Sciences; Jamie Vaudrey, Marine Sciences; Julie Fosdick, Earth Sciences;  Peter Visscher, Marine Sciences; Christopher Fielding, Earth Sciences; David Lund, Marine Sciences
“Acquisition of a Gamma Spectroscopy System to Advance Research at UConn in Earth and Marine Sciences using Fallout and Naturally Occurring Radionuclides ”

Ilya Sochnikov, Physics
“Upgrade for Millikelvin Quantum Measurements System”

Anastasios Tzingounis, Physiology and Neurobiology; Michael Kienzler, Chemistry
“QPatch Compact: Enhancing Drug Discovery and Charactering Pathological Ion Channel Variants in Genetic Disorders”

Gael Ung, Chemistry
“Unlocking Next-Generation Quantum Information Science Through Cryo-Circularly Polarized Luminescence”

Research in Academic Themes

Total Awarded: $377,077.00

Nathan Acebo, Anthropology
“Reconciling Violence, Indigenous Heritage Futures”
Academic Themes: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures

Haim Bar, Statistics
“The Blessing of Dimensionality – Theory of Convex Geometry and Concentration of Measure with Applications in Machine Learning, Finance, and Genomics”
Academic Themes: Big Data: Science, Policy, and Ethics; Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Rahul Kanadia, Physiology and Neurobiology
“Understanding the Impact of Increased Limb Progenitor Cell Number on Limb Development”
Academic Theme: Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Hana Maruyama, History; Tom Scheinfeldt, Digital Media and Design
“The Fudeko Project: An Email and Letter-Writing Program for Japanese Americans Incarcerated in World War II”
Academic Themes: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief; Brain, Mind, Language, and Logic; Health, Disease, and Well-Being; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures

Catherine Matassa, Marine Sciences; Zofia Baumann, Marine Sciences; Colin Kremer, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Kaylan Randolph, Marine Sciences; Michael Whitney, Marine Sciences
“A Novel, in Situ Approach for Testing Effects of Environmental Variability on Oyster Larvae and Their Prey”
Academic Themes: The Earth and Its Future; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures; Big Data: Science, Policy, and Ethics

Victoria Robinson, Molecular and Cell Biology; Kenneth Campellone, Molecular and Cell Biology
“Development of Anti-Infectives for Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli, a Global Diarrhea-Causing Pathogen Without Effective Treatments”
Academic Themes: Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Debapriya Sarkar, English
“Environmental and Racial Justice in Early Modernity”
Academic Themes: The Earth and Its Future; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures; Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief

Anji Seth, Geography; Carol Atkinson-Palombo, Geography; Oksan Bayulgen, Political Science; Thomas Bontly, Philosophy and Environmental Studies; Syrna Ebben, Agriculture and Resource Economics; Ken Foote, Geography and Urban and Community Studies; Phoebe Godfrey, Sociology; Mark Healey, History; Andy Jolly-Ballantine, Geography; Stacy Maddern, Urban and Community Studies; Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet, Anthropology; Kathy Segerson, Economics; Lyle Scruggs, Political Science
“Symposium on Just Transitions, Spring/Summer 2024”
Academic Themes: The Earth and Its Future; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures; Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief

William Theiss, History
“The Demographic Revolution in the Austrian Empire, 1760-1800”
Academic Theme: Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures

Lynne Tirrell, Philosophy; Heather Battaly, Philosophy; Robin Greeley, Art and Art History
“Humble Inquiry (HI) in the Practices of Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in Rwanda and Mexico: Measurement and Evaluation”
Academic Themes: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief

Scott Wallace, Journalism
“The Hidden War: Indigenous Warriors and the Fight for the Amazon”
Academic Themes: Earth and Its Future; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures; Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief

Jing Zhao, Chemistry; Lei Yu, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
“Development of a Novel Immunosensor for Biomarker Detection via Competitive Binding of Antigen and Gold Nanoparticles to Antibodies and Silver Enhancement”
Academic Theme: Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Academic Year 2022-2023

Alan R. Bennett College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Public Health Policy Research Funding Opportunity

Total awarded: $82,083.00

John Redden, Physiology and Neurobiology; Jeffrey Divino, Physiology and Neurobiology; Mary Donegan, Urban and Community Studies; Jocelyn Steinke, Communication
“Integrating Health Policy Into Undergraduate Life Science Curriculum”

Xiang Chen, Geography; Debarchan Ghosh, Geography; Caitlin Caspi, Allied Health Sciences; Ran Xu, Allied Health Sciences
“Evaluating the Impact of Food Policy Environment on Retail Food Shopping: A Data-Driven Approach”

Camilo Ruiz, Anthropology; Thomas Buckley, School of Pharmacy; Sarah Willen, Anthropology; Cesar Abadia, Anthropology
“Understanding Community-Based Health Policy-Making: A Collaborative, Qualitative Study of Great Hartford Interfaith Action Alliance”

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

Total awarded: $80,580.00

Alaina Brenick, Human Development and Family Sciences and Human Rights Institute
“The Trans and Non-binary School-based Discrimination Scale – Validating a Community-derived Measure To Understand Academic Social Injustices of Gender Expressive Youth”

Xiang Chen, Geography; Debarchana Ghosh, Geography; Christopher Burton, Geography; Richard Mrozinski, Geography
“Supporting Underrepresented Groups in Geographic Information Science”

Anna Mae Duane, English and American Studies
“Inclusive Histories of Slavery, Freedom, and Healing”

Matt Guthrie, Physics; Erin Scanlon, Physics; Xian Wu, Physics
“Investigating Experiences of Marginalized Physics Students in Group Work Settings”

Sara Harkness, Human Development and Family Sciences and the Center for the Study of Culture, Health, and Human Development; Charles Super, Human Development and Family Sciences, Pediatrics, and the Center for the Study of Culture, Health, and Human Development; Caroline Mavridis, Human Development and Family Sciences and the Center for the Study of Culture, Health, and Human Development
“Educators’ Perceptions of Challenges and Competence in Working With Students of Color”

Tracy Ann Llanera, Philosophy and Humanities Institute
“Resilience: A Workshop for Women Doing Philosophy”

David Lund, Marine Sciences
“Making Marine Sciences a More Diverse and Welcoming Workplace: Advancing the Bridge Program and Improving Departmental Climate Through ADVANCEGeo Workshops”

Mark Peczuh, Chemistry; Alfredo Angeles-Boza, Chemistry; Amy Howell, Chemistry; Christian Brueckner, Chemistry
“Chemical Bonds: Building Partnerships To Foster Diversity in the Grad Community in Chemistry”

Evelyn Simien, Political Science
“Mental Health and Wellness Workshop for Women of Color (WOC) Faculty in CLAS”

Ilya Sochnikov, Physics; Lea Ferreira dos Santos, Physics; Menka Jain, Physics and Institute of Materials Science
“Research and Academic Experiences for Women’s College Students in Physics and Quantum Sciences”

Sarah Willen, Anthropology; Urvi Kaul, Anthropology; Roxanne Lebenzon, Anthropology; Eleanor Ouimet, Anthropology; Cesar Abadia, Anthropology; Deborah Bolnick, Anthropology
“Research MASTER (Mentoring and Scholarship Training for Emerging Researchers) Program: A Pilot”

Research in Academic Themes

Total awarded: $379,799.00

Emma Amador, History and El Instituto: Institute of Latino/a, Caribbean, and Latin American Studies
“Bright Futures: Antonia Pantoja and the Practice of Ethnic Studies in U.S. History”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures

Haim Bar, Statistics
“A Novel Statistical Approach To Uncover the Hidden Language of Long Non-Coding RNAs”
Academic Themes: Big Data: Science, Policy, and Ethics; Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Amanda Denes, Communication; Keith Bellizzi, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Out With Cancer: Understanding LGBTQI+ People With Cancer’s Sexual and Relational Well-being”
Academic Themes: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief; Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Peter Lavelle, History
“Sustaining the People: Food and the Science of Agriculture in Late Qing China and the World”
Academic Themes: Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures; The Earth and Its Future

David Lund, Marine Sciences
“Anomalous Mid-Ocean Ridge Volcanism During Glacial Terminations: Exploring New Archives From the East Pacific Rise”
Academic Theme: The Earth and Its Future

Eugene Pinkhassik, Chemistry
“Smart Nanocontainer Platform for Targeted Drug Delivery and Sustainable Manufacturing”
Academic Themes: Health, Disease, and Well-Being; The Earth and Its Future; Sustainable Systems, Global Resources, and World Cultures

Jocelyn Steinke, Communication; Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch, Communication; Jiyoun Suk, Communication
“Promoting Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging: Examining Women in STEM on TikTok”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief

Ryan Talbert, Sociology, Africana Studies Institute, and Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy; Jolaade Kalinowski, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Adverse Childhood Experiences, Social Roles, and Cardiovascular Health among Black Men and Women”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth, and Belief

HaiYing Wang, Statistics
“Subsampling and Analysis of Big Data for Better Eye Care Delivery”
Academic Themes: Big Data: Science, Policy, and Ethics; Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Research Equipment

Total awarded: $2,053,219.66

Andrew Bush, Earth Sciences and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Tracy Frank, Earth Sciences; Julie Fosdick, Earth Sciences
“UV Longwave Mineral Lamp”

Heidi Dierssen, Marine Sciences and Geography; Zofia Baumann, Marine Sciences; Kaylan Randolph, Marine Sciences; Senjie Lin, Marine Sciences; Hans Dam, Marine Sciences; Julie Granger, Marine Sciences; Evan Ward, Marine Sciences; Jamie Vaudrey, Marine Sciences; Huan Zhang, Marine Sciences
“CLAS’s Marine Particle Imaging System To Support Novel Research and Teaching in the Era of Big Data”

Fumiko Hoeft, UConn Waterbury, Brain Imaging Research Center, and Psychological Sciences; Roeland Hancock, Psychological Sciences and Brain Imaging Research Center
“CLAS Shared Equipment Proposal: MRI Display System”

Michael Hren, Earth Sciences and Chemistry
“Capacity Building in the Earth Sciences Stable Isotope and Organic Molecular Biogeochemistry Laboratory”

Juliet Lee, Molecular and Cell Biology; Yaowu Yuan, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Joanne Conover, Physiology and Neurobiology
“The Nikon Point Scanning Confocal Microscope for the Advanced Light Microscopy Facility”

James Magnuson, Psychological Sciences; Christian Brodbeck, Psychological Sciences; Ido Davidesco, Educational Psychology; Monty Escabi, Electrical and Computer Engineering; Roeland Hancock, Psychological Sciences; Fumiko Hoeft, UConn Waterbury; Edward Large; Psychological Sciences; Nicole Landi, Psychological Sciences; Carolyn Lin, Communication; Emily Myers, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Erika Skoe, Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences; Ian Stevenson, Psychological Sciences; Rachel Theodore, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Eiling Yee, Psychological Sciences
“Upgrading and Future-Proofing CSSERL, the Cognitive Science Shared Electrophysiology Resources Laboratory”

Tomoyasu Mani, Chemistry
“Nanosecond Tunable Laser System for Time-Resolved Spectroscopies”

Robert Mason, Marine Sciences and Chemistry; Pieter Visscher, Marine Sciences; Evan Ward, Marine Sciences; Zofia Baumann, Marine Sciences; Jess Brandt, Natural Resources and the Environment
“Equipment Replacement Request - Department of Marine Sciences”

Victoria Robinson, Molecular and Cell Biology and Center for Open Research Resources and Equipment; Jeremy Balsbaugh, Center for Open Research Resources and Equipment; Nathan Adler, Molecular and Cell Biology; Andrei Alexandrescu, Molecular and Cell Biology; Michel Geovanni Santiago Martinez, Molecular and Cell Biology; Carolyn Teschke, Molecular and Cell Biology; Joseph Loturco, Physiology and Neurobiology; Akiko Nishiyama, Physiology and Neurobiology; Daniel Schwartz, Center for Open Research Resources and Equipment; Gregory Sartor, Pharmaceutical Science; Dennis Wright, Pharmaceutical Science; Kyle Hadden, Pharmaceutical Science; Andrew Wiemer, Pharmaceutical Science; Irina Bezsonova, Molecular Biology and Biophysics; Rebecca Page, Cell Biology; Wolfgang Peti, Molecular Biology and Biophysics; Justin Radolf, Medicine; Zhichao Fan, Immunology
“Acquisition of Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry (HDX-MS) Instrumentation for Protein Structure Analysis at UConn”

Leonel Romero, Marine Sciences; Cara Manning, Marine Sciences; Cesar Rocha, Marine Sciences; Julie Granger, Marine Sciences; James O’Donnell, Marine Sciences; Samantha Siedlecki, Marine Sciences; Penny Vlahos, Marine Sciences; Michael Whitney, Marine Sciences; Craig Tobias, Marine Sciences;
“Wirewalker Autonomous System for Interdisciplinary Research”

Natale Sciolino, Physiology and Neurobiology, Biomedical Engineering, Institute for Systems Genomics, Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Alexander Jackson, Physiology and Neurobiology; Anastasio Tzingounis, Physiology and Neurobiology; Daniel Mulkey, Physiology and Neurobiology; Joseph Loturco, Physiology and Neurobiology; Rahul Kanadia, Physiology and Neurobiology; Georgia Zarkada, Physiology and Neurobiology; John Salamone, Psychological Sciences; Yi Zhang, Information Technology Services
“Miniature Microscopes in Behaving Rodents for Animal Vivarium and Behavioral Spaces”

Barrett Wells, Physics; Ilya Sochnikov, Physics
“Nanoindenter for Superelastic Tuning of Quantum Materials”

Summer Research Funding

Total awarded: $732,372.00

Regina Barreca, English
“Fast Famous Women: 75 Essays of Flash NonFiction”

Kathy Knapp, English
“Still Lives: The Contemporary U.S. Bildungsroman and the Case Against Progress”

Ellen Litman, English
“30 Years of Post-Soviet Russia: a Story Cycle”

Melina Pappademos, History
“Between Blackness and the Body Politic: Race, Politics, and Metaphor in Cuba, 1920-1959”

Amanda Crawford, Journalism
“The Dark Cycle of Lies and Death in America”

Scott Wallace, Journalism
“In the Crosshairs: Central America on the Road From Vietnam to Baghdad”

William Snyder, Linguistics
“The UConn-Japan Project: An International Resource for Child Language Research”

Liansu Meng, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Man/Woman, Machine/Nature: Modern Chinese Poetry at the Intersection of Industrialism and Feminism (1915-1980)”

Katerina Gonzalez Seligmann, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Revolutionary Publishing, Censorship, and the Racial Politics of Translating in Cuba”

Sarah Hird, Molecular and Cell Biology
“A Novel Axis of Immunological Variation in the Study of Host-Microbiota Interactions”

Spencer Nyholm, Molecular and Cell Biology
“Developing Genetic Tools in a Model System to Study Microbiomes”

Kerry Gilmore, Chemistry; Yao Lin, Chemistry
“Applying Flow Chemistry to Accelerate the Evolution of Synthetic Polypeptides for Biomedical Applications”

Eugene Pinkhassik, Chemistry
“Enhancing Catalytic Performance by Controlling the Microenvironment of Nanoreactors”

Christopher Fielding, Earth Sciences; Tracy Frank, Earth Sciences; Michael Hren, Earth Sciences
“​​Using New Approaches to Paleoenvironmental Analysis in the Carboniferous Continental Sedimentary Succession of Atlantic Canada”

Victor Hugo Lachos Davila, Statistics
“Lasso Regularization for High-Dimensional Censored Linear Mixed Models”

Cesar Abadia-Barrero, Anthropology; Maria LaRusso, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Health Inequalities and Conflicting Perspectives on Health Care in Complex Childhood Conditions”

Dimitris Xygalatas, Anthropology
“(Re)Sacralizing Nature. The Role of Spiritual Practices in Ecological Stewardship”

Elizabeth Hintz, Communication; Amanda Denes, Communication; Rachel Tucker, Communication; Jacqueline Gunning, Communication
“Disclosing Sexual Dysfunction in New Romantic Relationships”

Jocelyn Steinke, Communication
“Women STEM Role Models on Instagram: Examining Displays of Authenticity, Expertise, and Connection”

Talia Bar, Economics
“Gender Composition of Inventor Teams and Patent Outcomes”

Keith Bellizzi, Human Development and Family Sciences; Ken Chun, Statistics; Candi Nwakasi, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Social Determinants of Health and Accelerated Aging in Adults with Cancer: Leveraging the All of Us Research Program”

Maria LaRusso, Human Development and Family Sciences; Cesar Abadia-Barrero, Anthropology
“Adolescent Well-Being and Social Justice”

Hind Ahmed Zaki, Political Science
“The Politics of Unveiling in Contemporary Egypt”

Virginia Hettinger, Political Science
“Choosing Federal Judges: The Implications of Ethical Considerations in Support for Judicial Nominees”

Evan Perkoski, Political Science
“Supervising UConn Students to Collect New Data on Terrorist Recruitment Patterns”

Deneen Hatmaker, School of Public Policy
“Libraries Are for Everyone: Censorship, Professional Identity and the Public Librarian”

Ruth Braunstein, Sociology
“Mapping the Pluralist Resistance: The Front Lines of the Battle Against Christian Nationalism”

Jeremy Pais, Sociology; Andrew Deener, Sociology
“Troubled Sites and the Challenge of Sustainable Urban Development”

Daniel McCarron, Physics
“Ultracold Quantum Gases by and for Underrepresented Minorities in Physics”

Teaching Enhancement Grants

Total awarded: $85,650.00

Eugene Pinkhassik, Chemistry
“Increasing Engagement in Organic Chemistry”

Erika Fiore, Mathematics; Katherine Hall, Mathematics
“Inquiry-Based Projects in a UDL Classroom for MATH 1020Q”

Belter Ordaz, Physics; Niraj Ghimire, Physics
“Inquiry-based Hands-on Learning Activities in Physics for Engineers II Course Incorporating Concepts of Universal Deisgn for Learning”

Sylvania Walington, Physics
“Astronomy Lab Course for Stamford”

Anthony Rizzie, Mathematics; Matthew Gurthrie, Physics; Diego Valente, Physics
“Knowledge Transfer of Calculus Concepts to Physics”

Amanda Crawford, Journalism
“Revising JOUR 2000W Newswriting 1”

Maree Jaramillo, Mathematics; Vindya Pathirana, Mathematics
“Asynchronous Active Learning Approach for Algebra Skills within Calculus”

Asli Tandogan Kunkel, Physics
“Enhancing Physics Education at UConn Hartford Campus Through Guided Open-Ended Lab Activities”

Mary T Berthelot, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Integrating NACE Career Competencies Into HDFS 3530”

Bradley Simpson, History
“Student Engagement and Universal Design for HIST 1201”

Celines Villalba Rosado, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages; Eduardo Urios-Aparisi, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Experimental Activities in Advanced Language Courses in Spanish”

Marcus Rossberg, Philosophy; Kaley Rittichier (GA), Philosophy
“Learning Software: Venn Diagrams for Categorical Syllogisms”

Robert Dolan, Mathematics
“MATH 1131Q: Online Mastery-Based Supplementary Course Modules”

Melisa Arganaraz Gomez, Urban and Community Studies
“Action and Community-Based Learning Beyond the Classroom”

Academic Year 2021-2022

Climate, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Total awarded: $85,453.00

Cara Battersby, Physics
“UConnSTARs (Science, Technology, and Astronomy Recruits)”

Xinnian Chen, Physiology and Neurobiology; Geoffrey Tanner, Physiology and Neurobiology; Alexander Jackson, Physiology and Neurobiology; Daniel Mulkey, Physiology and Neurobiology; Anastasios Tzingounis, Physiology and Neurobiology; Amit Savkar, Mathematics and Quantitative Learning Center
“PNB Undergraduate Intersectional Peer Mentoring Program (PUMP)”

Martha Cutter, English and Africana Studies
“When Black Lives Really Do Matter: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Race, Gender, and Health Disparities”

Tracy Frank, Geosciences; Ran Feng, Geosciences; Will Ouimet, Geosciences; Lisa Park Boush, Geosciences
“Developing Anti-Racist Policies and Strategies to Support Accessibility, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Geosciences"

Menka Jain, Physics; Belter Ordaz Mendoza, Physics
“Supporting Minorities in Physics Through Seminars, Peer Groups, and Outreach”

Kyungseon Joo, Physics; Phillip Cole, Physics
“Broadening the Participation of Underrepresented Minorities in Physics”

David Lund, Marine Sciences; Evan Ward, Marine Sciences; Samantha Siedlecki, Marine Sciences; Penny Vlahos, Marine Sciences; Hans Dam, Marine Sciences; James O’Donnell, Marine Sciences
“Addressing the Degree Gap for Under-Represented Minorities in Connecticut: A Proposal to Partner with the AGU Bridge Program”

Sam Martinez, Anthropology and El Instituto
“Building a CLAS BIPoC Graduate Recruitment/Retention Knowledge Base”

Linda Pelletier, Linguistics
“Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Education and Research at UConn”

Erin Scanlon, Physics; Jamie Kleinmann, Psychological Sciences; Michael Finiguerra, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
“Avery Point STEM Faculty Learning Community about Disability”

Nancy Naples, Sociology; David Embrick, Sociology
“Anti-Racism Committee”

Jason Courtmanche, English; Kiedra Taylor; English
“Equity and Social Justice in Secondary English Education Reading Group: Connecticut Writing Project Grant Proposal”

Peter Schweitzer, Physics; Diego Valente, Physics; Aditi Mahabir, Physics
“Training of Physics Undergraduate Students from Underrepresented Minority Groups”

Research in Academic Themes

Total awarded: $539,083.66

Jorge Aguero, Economics; Mikhael Shor, Economics
“Résumé Overload’ and Heuristic Racism”
Academic Theme: Brain, Mind, and Logic

Jacqueline Chen, Psychological Sciences; Fumiko Hoeft, Psychological Sciences and Brain Image Research Center; Caroline Greiner de Magalhaes, Psychological Sciences
“Social Stigma Impacts on Mental Health and Academic Outcomes in Children and Adolescents with Specific Learning Disabilities”
Academic Theme: Brain, Mind, and Logic

Adrian Garcia-Sierra, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Eduardo Urios-Aparisi, Literature, Cultures, and Languages
“My Spanish is Rusty. Grammar Processing in Fluent Bilinguals and Biliterate Bilinguals of Spanish and English”
Academic Theme: Brain, Mind, and Logic

Stefan Kaufmann, Linguistics; Magdalena Kaufmann, Linguistics; Mitchell Green, Philosophy
“Conditional Thought and Talk”
Academic Theme: Brain, Mind, and Logic

Jay Rueckl, Psychological Sciences; Rachel Theodore, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences; Emily Myers, Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
“A Multi-Level Method for Assessing Individual Differences in Spoken Language Processing”
Academic Theme: Brain, Mind, and Logic

Dimitris Xygalatas, Anthropology
“Music as a Tool for Resilience”
Academic Theme: Brain, Mind, and Logic

Michele Baggio, Economics; Mark Urban, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
“On Infectious Diseases and Climate Change: Evidence from the Lyme Disease”
Academic Theme: The Earth and Its Future

Prakash Kashwan, Political Science; Rang Feng, Geoscience; Charles Kaye-Essien, Public Policy
“Climate Change in Regions with High Vulnerability: An Examination of the National and Subnational Policy and Feedback Effects in Ghana and India”
Academic Theme: The Earth and Its Future

Jill Wegrzyn, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Rachel O’Neill, Molecular and Cell Biology; Anne Bucklin, Marine Sciences
“Conservation and Biodiversity Genomics in a Changing Climate”
Academic Theme: The Earth and Its Future

Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet, Anthropology; Christopher Burton, Geography; William Ouimet, Geoscience; Ken Lachlan, Communication
“DISASTER (Designing Interdisciplinary Science And Strategies To Enhance Resilience) Research at UConn”
Academic Themes: Sustainable Systems, Global Resources and World Cultures; The Earth and Its Future

Penny Vlahos, Marine Sciences; César E. Abadía-Barrero, Anthropology
"Interactions between Human Health, Behavior, and the Environment: A Case Study on the Communities Surrounding the Magdalena and Caquetá Rivers in Colombia"
Academic Theme: The Earth and Its Future

Summer Research Support

Total awarded: $728,381.00

Kari Adamsons, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Explaining the Intergenerational Transmission of Substance Use Behaviors between Parents and Adolescent Children”

Daniel Adler, Anthropology; Tanner Kovach, Anthropology
“The Neanderthal Revolution: 48,000 Year Old DNA Overturns 150 Years of Human Evolutionary Orthodoxy and Archaeological Assumptions”

Talbot Andrews, Political Science; Lyle Scruggs, Sociology; Oksan Bayulgen, Political Science; Carol Atkinson-Palombo, Geography
“Drivers of Wind Attitudes in Texas and Their Electoral Consequences”

Regina Barreca, English
“Fast Fallen Women: 75 Essays of Flash Nonfiction edited by BOT Professor of English Regina Barreca”

Hannes Baumann, Marine Sciences
“Towards a Fully Annotated Reference Genome of Northern Sand Lance Ammodytes dubius

Brenda Brueggemann, English; Jessica Gallagher, English
“All That’s Left: A Cross-Institutional, Interconnected Archeology of the Relationship and History between the University of Connecticut and the Mansfield Training School”

Ross Buck, Communications; Roeland Hancock, Psychological Sciences and Brain Imaging Research Center; Gitte Jorgensen, Psychological Sciences
“Measuring Brain Correlates of Emotional and Cognitive Empathy: The CARAT Scale”

Xiang Chen, Geography
“Research Proposal Preparation: A Data-Driven Approach to Measuring Community Food Environments”

Elena Comay del Junco, Philosophy
"Love Beyond Aristotle and Avicenna"

Morgne Cramer, English
“Virginia Woolf's The Waves: A Love Story (Bloomsbury vs the Public Schools)”

Amanda Crawford, Journalism
“Misinformation and High-Profile Crimes”

Ana Maria Diaz-Marcos, Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
“Digital Humanities Open-Access Exhibitions on Ernestina G. Fleischman and Antifascist Political Cartoons in the Newspaper La Voz (New York, 1937-1939)”

Alexis Dudden, History
“The Opening and Closing of Japan, 1850-2020”

Martine Granby, Journalism
“Seminar 1975”

Yohei Igarashi, English and UConn Humanities Institute
“Summer Salary for Work on Book Project, Word Count: Literature and Data Analysis, 1875-1965”

Jonathan Klassen, Molecular and Cell Biology
“Characterizing Microbiomes and New Antifungal Agents from a Model Host-Microbe Symbiosis”

Victor Hugo Lachos Davila, Statistics
“Linear Mixed Models for Complex Longitudinal Data”

Charles Lansing, History
“German Nazi Hunters: the Search for Justice After the Holocaust”

Senjie Lin, Marine Sciences
Developing an NSF-RCN Grant and a Path to Lead Aquatic Symbiosis Research”

Yao Lin, Chemistry
“Developing Synthetic Polypeptides on a Large Scale for Biocompatible, Sustainable Polymeric Materials”

Christin Munsch, Sociology
“Knowledge Production in the Social Sciences”

Michael O'Neill, Molecular and Cell Biology
“Transgenerational Epigenetics and Autism: Linking Meiotic Dysfunction and Cognitive Impairment”

Penelope Pelizzon, English
“Immersive Reading in Contemporary Poetry and Ecopoetics”

Heather Read, Psychological Sciences; Fumiko Hoeft, Psychological Sciences and Brain Imaging Research Center; Nicole Landi, Psychological Sciences; Monty Escabi, Electrical and Biomedical Engineering
“Brain and Behavioral Biomarkers for Discriminating Speech in Noise in Dyslexia”

Bhakti Shringarpure, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Elva Orozco-Mendoza, Political Science; Sherry Zane, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
“Insurgent Murals: Women’s Art Activism in Buenos Aires, Khartoum and Belfast”

Victoria Ford Smith, English
“How Children See: Child Artists and Modernism”

William Snyder, Linguistics; Roeland Hancock, Psychological Sciences, Brain Imaging Research Center
“Brain Activity in Adults May Reflect Childhood Stages of Language Development: Collection of Pilot Data for a Federal Grant Proposal”

Mike Stanton, Journalism; Steven Smith, Journalism
“Land, Wealth and Native Americans: UConn's Forgotten Land-Grant Legacy”

Jiyoun Suk, Communications and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies
“Unpacking the Dynamics of Gender Justice Discourses Across Borders and Platforms”

Ryan Talbert, Sociology
“Legal Contact, Psychosocial Resources, and Mental Health among Black and Latinx Adults”

Kathleen Tonry, English
“Print Time (Chapter 4: The Activist Press in the UK and UK)”

Christian Tryon, Anthropology
“Ice Age Human-Environmental Dynamics During the Initial Colonization of Sicily”

Christopher Vials, English
“Monograph: America Firsts: Fascism, Male Violence, and U.S. Empire, 1920 to the Present”

Sarah Willen, Anthropology; Alexis Boylan, Art History and Africana Studies Institute
"Picturing the Pandemic:  An Exhibition of Images from the Pandemic Journaling Project (PJP)"

Eiling Yee, Psychological Sciences
“Effects of Naturally Occurring Changes in Sensory Experience on Conceptual Knowledge”

Teaching Enhancement Grants

Total awarded: $111,228.00

Lisa Blansett, English
“Developing New Course Inquiries for FYW”

Ellen Carillo, English
“Foregrounding Inclusivity: Implementing Engagement-Based Grading in a General Education Course”

Ariana Codr, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
“WGSS 1104: Feminisms and the Arts”

Manisha Desai, Sociology
“SOCI: Introduction to Sociology”

Jessica Fuller, Mathematics
“MATH 1020Q: The Problem Solving Course”

Gregory Kneidel, English
“Biblical Art at the Wadsworth Atheneum”

David McArdle, Mathematics
“Creating a Modular, Inquiry-Based Modeling Course”

Alexandra Paxton, Psychological Sciences
“Collaborative, Introspective, and Inclusive Pedagogy for Psychological Science”

Linda Pelletier, Linguistics
“ASLN 2700 Interpreting in Various Settings Course Improvement Grant”

Louis Riel, Chemistry
“Implementation of Specifications Grading for Avery Point’s CHEM 2443”

Eric Scanlon, Physics
“Integrating Inclusive Teaching Practices in the Physics Labs at Avery Point”

Fatma Selampinar, Chemistry
“Fostering Inclusive Classroom Environment with Learning Assistants”

Sam Sommers, English
“ENGL 1201: Introduction to American Studies”

Bradley Wright, Sociology
“Proposed Revision of Sociology 2275: Social Well-Being”

Xian Wu, Physics
“The Cloud-Based Notebook to Promote Accessibility and Inclusivity of Problem-Solving Group Discussion”

Sherry Zane, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
“WGSS 1105 - Gender & Sexuality in Everyday Life”

Christian Tryon, Anthropology
“A Hands-On Approach to Human Evolution”

Sylvanie Wallington, UConn Stamford
“A Telescope for the Stamford Astronomy Classroom”

Academic Year 2020-2021

Anti-Racist Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Workplace Climate

Total awarded: $34,100.00

Kathleen Tonry, English; Gariel Morrison, English
“Racism in the Margins”

Letitia Naigles, Psychological Sciences; Bede Agocha, Africana Studies
“Language and Racism, A collaboration between the Africana Studies and the Cognitive Sciences Program”

Anke Finger, Literature, Cultures, and Languages; Manuela Wager, Literature, Cultures, and Languages; Isabell Sluka, Literature, Cultures, and Languages
“Decolonizing Area Studies: Towards Intercultural Citizenship and Social Justice”

Jason Chang, History and Asian and Asian American Studies; Chris Vials, English and American Studies; Sam Martinez, Anthropology and El Instituto; Avi Patt, Literature, Cultures, and Languages; Sherry Zane, Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies; Melina Pappademos, History and Africana Studies
“Activist in Residence”

Research in Academic Themes

Total awarded: $216,403.56

James Rusling, Chemistry; Dharamainder Choudhary, Department of Surgery, UConn Health
“Blood Biopsy Diagnostic for Aggressive Cancers”
Academic Theme: Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Fumiko Hoeft, Psychological Sciences and Brain Image Research Center; Fabiana Cardetti, Mathematics
“The Influence of mental health and socio-economic disparities on children with learning disabilities - a math intervention study”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth; Belief and Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Eva Lefkowitz, Human Development and Family Sciences; Amanda Denes, Communication; Lisa Eaton, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Risk and protective factors for LGBTQ+ college students’ health and well-being during semesters and academic break”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth; Belief and Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Anna Duane, English
“Analogies of Slavery, Definitions of Freedom and Narratives of Public Health”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice: Truth

Melanie Newport, History
“Disaster and the Carceral Landscape: A History of Incarceration on a Dying Planet”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth

Ryan Talbert, Sociology; Jolaade Kalinowski, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Fatal Police Encounters and Race-Gender Variation in Health across Time”
Academic Theme: Inequalities, Social Justice, Truth; Belief, and Health, Disease, and Well-Being

Lyle Scruggs, Political Science; Mary Fischer, Sociology; Swapna Gokhale, Computer Sciences and Engineering; Debs Ghosh, Geography
“Misinformation Clusters and COVID Outbreaks”
Academic Theme: Big Data - Science, Policy, and Ethics

Research Equipment

Total awarded: $1,228,210.00

Gael Ung, Chemistry
“Near-infrared circulatory polarized luminescence spectrometer”

Linnaea Ostroff, Physiology and Neurobiology
“CCU-010 HV (high vacuum) coating unit that prepares samples for imaging in the scanning electron microscope”

Kim Gans, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Veggie Meter, a device that uses reflection spectroscopy to objectively measure skin carotenoid levels in a non-invasive, rapid fashion as a biomarker for fruit and vegetable intake.”

Fumiko Hoeft, Psychological Sciences and Brain Image Research Center
“EEg Bundle; includes a combination of critical new equipment (Cedrus Stim Tracker), and replacement of peripherals (EEG caps to position the 256 channels accurately in time-effective manner)”

Menka Jain, Physics
“Servicing Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS), liquid helium, Large bor VSM kit and pressure-dependent cell, and a heat capacity probe”

Senjie Lin, Marine Sciences
“Gel imaging system: The system allows researchers using molecular techniques to take, store, and analyze images of electrophoretic gels of DNA, RNA, and proteins (including western blot), the basic molecular biology works”

Julie Granger, Marine Sciences
“High-resolution cell sorting flow cytometer: used routinely in diagnostic medical sciences. It has also been used by oceanographers to survey the vast diversity of phytoplankton, protists, and bacteria in different realms of the ocean”

Jiajun Sun, Physiology and Neurobiology
“Light sheet microscope: creates a thin plane of illumination from two lenses in an orientation perpendicular to the plane of the imaging lens. This is a recent innovation in which rapid scanning of the sample through a thin sheet of light reduces phototoxicity and allows ultrafast acquisition of fluorescence signals over large volumes, up to 2 cm, using high speed cameras”

Carlos Trallero, Physics
“Novel class light source: This laser will provide both high peak intensity and high repetition rates, delivering almost a single cycle of the electric field”

Boris Sinkovic, Physics
“The development of a time-resolved photoelectron spectrometer. Funds purchased a XUV System and timePIX camera v3”

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Total awarded: $21,430.00

Michael Finiguerra, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; John Redden, Physiology and Neurobiology; Dylan Audette, Molecular and Cell Biology; John Cooley, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Jeffrey Divino, Physiology and Neurobiology; Susan Herrick, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Elizabeth Kline, Molecular and Cell Biology; Claudia Kraemer, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Luciana Santoferrara, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Colleen Spurling, Molecular and Cell Biology; Stephen Trumbo, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
“UConn FIRST in Biology: Fostering Ideal Regional Student Transitions in Biology”

Mark Peczuh, Chemistry; Nicholas Leadbeater, Chemistry
“Organic Chemistry Boot Camp: Foundational Concepts and Strategies for Student Success”

Xian Wu, Physics; Erin Scanlon, Physics; Matt Guthrie, Physics
“Supporting Inclusive Group Work in Studio-Style Physics Courses”

Lisa Blansett, English
“New Approaches to Metacognition through Defamiliarizing Processes”

Summer Research Support

Total awarded: $216,445.00

Alexia Smith, Anthropology
“Cultivating the Field of Archaeobotany: Integrating Art and Archaeology to explore Akkadian and Post-Akkadian Food, Fuel, Farming, and Adaptation to Climate Change at Tell Leilan, Syria”

Maria LaRusso, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Well-being and Consciousness For Teens (We-Act): A Pilot Study of a Multimodal Intervention to Prevent Anxiety in BIPOC Youth”

Ruth Braunstein, Sociology
“The Moral Meanings of Taxpaying”

Jorge Aguero, Economics
“Motivating Disadvantaged Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Role of Information, Aspirations, and Perceptions

Kai (Jackie) Zhao, Economics
“Health Inequality over the Life Cycle and Its Implications for Economic Well-Being”

Amanda Denes, Communication; Keith Bellizzi, Human Development and Family Sciences
“Exploring Communication About Cancer in LGBTIQ+ and Heterosexual Relationships”

Kimberly Chaney, Psychological Sciences; Nisith Prakash, Economics
“Can “Guilt” Change Police Attitude towards Gender-Based Violence?”

Cesar Abadia, Anthropology
“Integrative Approach to Address Increases in Children’s Chronic Conditions and Mental Health Problems: The Case of Anxiety”

Xiaodong Yan, Mathematics
“New development on PDE models for materials science”

Juliet Lee, Molecular and Cell Biology
“The use of Zebrafish transgenics to study the role of mechanosensing in the regulation cell movement”

Chunsheng Yang, Literature, Cultures, and Languages
“Chinese Language curriculum redesigning to meet demands of Gen-Z learner”