Advising and Resources
Academic Advising
The Academic Services Center provides advising for undergraduates in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, helping them navigate majors and minors, programs of study, academic deadlines, and much more. Take advantage of their expertise at course selection time and whenever you have questions about your academic path.

More Advising Resources
Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Advising
Interested in attending medical or dental school? The Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Advising Center can help you get the right courses and plan ahead for exams and applications.
Pre-Law Advising
Thinking about attending law school? The Pre-Law Advising Center helps undergraduates learn about and prepare for law school and legal careers.
Math and Writing Tutoring
Overseen by CLAS faculty in the departments of English and mathematics, the Writing Center and Q Center support all UConn students to develop their written communication and analytical skills.
The Quantitative Learning Center (Q Center) provides direct assistance to students taking quantitative intensive (Q) courses. Visit their page to learn about peer tutoring, review sessions, and learning tools.
The Writing Center provides free tutoring and workshops designed to help you become a better writer. Their tutors can help you with with any writing project, from term papers to résumés.
Career Advising
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences partners closely with UConn’s Center for Career Readiness and Life Skills to prepare students for success in today’s workforce. The Center regularly hosts events that connect students with alumni and companies looking to recruit CLAS majors.
Considering graduate school? The Center can also help you determine if you’re on the right track, narrow down your list of schools, and develop your application materials.
Schedule an appointment with a Career advisor and view a full list of the Center’s resources.
Explore General Education Requirements
Here in CLAS, we work to bust the myth that Gen Eds, or general education requirements, are a chore. By taking these diverse classes, you'll acquire intellectual breadth and versatility, critical judgment, and an understanding of the diversity of human culture and experience - all hallmarks of a liberal arts education. These courses also help you discover topics you might not have encountered otherwise - and may grow to love.
Explore and Compare Majors
Have questions about a particular major, or want to explore all of your options? The Major Experience (TME) in UConn’s Academic Center for Exploratory Students offers a database of major profiles with program descriptions and information about courses, potential careers, related areas of study, and more.