Office of Communications
The CLAS Office of Communications builds the reputation and community of the College by telling the stories of College successes and the people behind them.
Our team works with CLAS senior leaders, units, and employees to produce effective communications across a variety of platforms. Our work is guided by the UConn Strategic Plan, the CLAS Strategic Plan, the UConn Brand Standards, and industry best practices.
How can we help?
Our team offers services, consultations, and training to help you reach your target audiences at UConn and beyond. Through these resources and our connections across campus, we can help you achieve your communications goals and get the most out of your time and resources.
Have a question?
Contact our office, and we'll make sure your question gets to the right place.
Our Services
The CLAS Office of Communications supports the College and its departments and units in strengthening their identities.
Brand and Logos
As ambassadors for the UConn brand, the CLAS communications team can help you strengthen your unit’s identity while taking advantage of UConn’s reputation as one of the nation’s top-ranked public universities.
We can:
- Provide you with UConn or College wordmarks.
- Create personalized wordmarks for your department, school, program, center, or institute.
- Consult on UConn brand guidelines related to topics like logo usage, social media, and websites.
Dean’s Office Communications
We are responsible for executive and internal communications for the College. Our work includes:
- CLAS messaging guides and fact sheets.
- Remarks and presentations for the College’s deans.
- Official memos to CLAS faculty and staff.
- Biweekly CLAS Faculty/Staff Digest.
Please contact our office to learn more.
Want your event considered for inclusion in the CLAS Faculty/Staff Digest? Fill out the CLAS Faculty/Staff Digest Event Submission Form.
Design and Multimedia
We develop the College’s flagship publications, including the CLAS Strategic Plan reports and Dean’s Reports. We also produce photography, audio, and video for the Dean’s Office. We can:
- Help you plan and develop marketing materials for your unit.
- Coordinate institutional photography that aligns with CLAS goals.
- Consult with you on best practices for video and multimedia.
- Refer you to University design resources.
We tell the stories of College successes and the people behind them. We manage the College’s editorial strategy and UConn Today page, prioritizing stories that align with the College’s strategic plan.
Have great news to share? Our team can:
- Consult with you on how to publicize your news.
- Share your news via College communications and social media.
- Connect you with the University’s media relations experts to help you maximize your story’s external reach.
Social Media
We manage the College’s social media channels. We also help CLAS employees implement best practices for accounts that represent official UConn entities, like departments, programs, and initiatives.
Contact us for help with:
- Evaluating new account requests.
- Developing content strategies and optimizing your accounts.
- Managing emergency communications and reporting harassment.
- Compliance with UConn social media guidelines.
Interested in creating a new account for your unit or a professional account for yourself? Please contact our office to discuss.
Web and Accessibility
We oversee central websites for the College and provide resources to help CLAS website editors to communicate effectively on the web.
Contact us for help with:
- Audience and content strategy.
- Content development, including text, photos, media, and documents.
- Using Aurora, UConn’s web content management system powered by WordPress.
- Accessibility for web content and documents.
- Search engine optimization.
- Google analytics.
- Compliance with UConn's web policy and standards.
Our team also manages full website development and redesign projects for areas of priority for the College. Please contact our office to learn more.
More Resources
UConn Brand Guidelines and Usage
Start here to learn about the best ways to convey the UConn brand in a variety of settings.
Find step-by-step instructions for how to use Aurora, UConn’s web content management system powered by WordPress.
Downloadable Marketing Templates
Download templates for use in official e-mails, print materials, PowerPoint, websites, and more.
Browse UConn’s written style guide for news stories, publications, digital content, and other communications.
IT Accessibility – Intro to Creating Accessible Digital Content
Learn how to create accessible digital content in line with the University’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Accessibility Policy.
Learn how to use the UConn wordmark, UConn’s primary visual identifier.
Download high-resolution images via UConn’s free online photo database.
Find guidelines, resources, and tips for UConn social media managers.
Review the University’s standards for web domains, hosting, site content and management, and more.