2025 Team Teaching Grants

Who Should Apply:  Unit leaders

Deadline: April 1, 2025

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) invites proposals for teaching enhancement from units, with an emphasis upon proposals beyond individual courses. These include:

  • Proposals that will aid in the coordination of instruction between faculty at the Storrs campus and at the regional campuses.
  • Proposals for creating 1-2 credit “add on” W courses to an existing content course.
  • Developing career-readiness/professional modules (or courses).
  • Other proposals designed to improve student success in your units.

Application Process

Applications are due on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, and must be submitted through the CLAS Funding Portal.

Before applying, unit leaders interested in such funding should consult with Lyn Tribble, associate dean for humanities and undergraduate affairs. Please email stephanie.turbes@uconn.edu to schedule a meeting.

Proposals should include a brief statement about the teaching question or problem the unit seeks to address; the expected outcomes and timeline; the personnel involved; and a budget.