CLAS Research and Teaching Scholars 2022-2023

Who Should Apply: Heads of Departments and Directors of CLAS Centers, Institutes, and Programs

Deadline: Jan. 18, 2023

Contact for Inquiries: The Dean or any Associate Dean

The CLAS Research and Teaching Scholars Program is designed to build a stronger culture of engaging recent Ph.D. recipients in research in CLAS. Individuals must have received these degrees at an institution other than UConn, and as we recruit new members to our community, enhancing diversity is also always a priority. Excellence requires diversity. Each year, the College will provide support for up to five individuals in this program.

Flexibility in Duties

To provide maximum flexibility across the diverse units within CLAS, the scholars will have the opportunity to teach, but it is not required. If teaching is involved, the equivalent of one course in the unit’s core curriculum will be assigned. It is expected that the course will have a minimum capacity of 40 students. Team teaching with a faculty member is possible, in which case additional teaching will be required during the academic year to meet the one course requirement.


  • Appointments are for Assistant Research Professors, at $65K salary, which is approximately $100K including fringe. The rationale is that this salary, which is higher than the NIH rate, will be attractive to an outstanding, diverse pool of candidates.
  • College will cost share as follows for a maximum of two years per position.
    • If the individual teaches, CLAS will cover 75%.
    • If the individual does not teach, CLAS will cover 50%.

Proposal Process

Proposals should be submitted to by Jan. 18, 2023.

  • A waitlist will be created if we receive more strong proposals than we can fund.
  • Units will have until May 1, 2023, to secure a commitment from an individual to accept the position. If a commitment is not secured in this time, CLAS will offer the position to the next proposer on the waitlist.
  • The start date can be as late as Jan. 1, 2024.
  • Timing of the CLAS cost share is flexible (can be split over the duration of the appointment, or the contributors can individually pay 100% for different periods of time).

Proposal Details

Interested unit leaders should submit a proposal of no more than three pages describing a plan for engaging scholars in this initiative. In addition to the commitment to sharing in the costs, the document should contain a rationale for why CLAS should prioritize their opportunity. Proposals for multiple scholars across units are welcome.

Please articulate:

  • How a culture of engaging junior Ph.D.-level scholars in research will be advanced in the unit(s).
  • The plan of the unit(s) for identifying one or more individuals with a record of significant research experience for their career stage.
  • The plan of the unit(s) for seeking individuals with strong commitments to redressing the historical marginalization of people of color and underrepresentation of various groups in the academy.
  • How the scholar will be mentored on research, as well as in developing other aspects of their careers.
  • What course(s) they might teach, and how the scholar will benefit from that experience including a plan for specific mentoring in this teaching experience.